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MBRA - Mt Buller Ratepayers Association
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Apartment CovidSafe Plan Template

Following the release of the Mt Buller CovidSafe Plan MBRA noted that there  was no reference or material provided for apartment buildings. MBRA understands that Government regards Apartment buildings as commercial if one or more rent their premises, hence a Covid Safe Plan is required and the applicable attestation provided to RMB before the building is occupied.

The MBRA has developed the attached template as a guide for Apartment buildings to assist in developing a suitable plan. Apartment head lessees should consider their particular circumstances and modify the template to suit and to meet Government guidelines and requirements.

Don’t forget that RMB requires an attestation be provided as per the RMB Plan, viz-

Email to


I, xxxxxxxxx , on behalf of , XYZ Apartments, confirm that we have read and understood the Mt Buller & Mt Stirling Integrated COVID Safe Plan and associated guidelines, and that has implemented its own COVID Safe plan in accordance with these guidelines.

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No warranty is provided that the template is complete, error free and those using must satisfy themselves that they have met Government/RMB requirements.